What Value Does a 3PL Bring?

Congratulations, your business is growing.

You’ve increased your customer base, expanded into new markets, and maybe even introduced some new product. As your business flourishes, it’s all too easy to let your supply chain strategy fall through the cracks.

If you’re worried about maintaining healthy relationships with all of your suppliers, warehousers and other partners, it might be time to outsource your logistics. But at what cost?

Here are 3 ways the value surpasses the perceived cost of using a middleman.

  1. Scalability

Third Party Logistics (3PL) providers have the experience and expertise to quickly and efficiently scale resources. Partnering with a 3PL eliminates the need to invest in warehouse space, technology, transportation and staff to execute the logistics process. Instead of spending a fixed cost on these areas year round, you’ll be able to put your money to better use, especially if your company faces seasonal fluctuations.

  1. Industry Connections

Our professional team has experience in all aspects of supply chain management. We have access to a vast network of resources and relationships that allow us to to move shipments in the most cost effective and skillful way. Our volume discounts result in lower overhead for you, and more service options based on your changing needs. Think of using a 3PL as the best way to grow your company without growing your internal team.

  1. Save time and money

Outsourcing logistics allows you to focus on core competencies, refining and perfecting your brand and products. You won’t have to worry about handling paperwork, doing the billing, audits, training, or staffing. 3PL providers give you peace of mind knowing your logistics needs are being handled by reliable, seasoned experts who can save your company from costly mistakes. 3PL’s allow you to operate your business with lower risk and higher return.

Radius Logistics is a full service transportation partner focused on customer service. We provide shipping and logistics services across Canada. Contact us today – we’d love to provide your company with shipping and logistics solutions.